
Kesen the Land of Gold

平泉黄金文化を支えた金の産出地 Gold mining region that served the Hiraizumi Golden Culture

  • Historic Buildings


概要 Summary


The term KESEN appears in the tenth volume of Nihon Kouki from which the name KESEN country (Kesen-gou) is considered to be in use since the first year of the Kounin era (810 A.D.). Tohoku has been know as a gold-producing region since the middle of the 8th century. In the Angen era (1175-77) when Taira No Shigemori, the heir to Taira No Kiyomori, ruled Oshu, 1300 Ryo in gold was sent from the Kesen Manor according to the literature. In "Genpei Seisui ki (Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and the Taira clans)", one may found that Shigemori has sent gold from Kesen as a tribute to Yuwangshan (temple) in Song dynasty China.

ケセンこそ黄金の国ジパング? Is KESEN indeed Zipangu, the far-east eldorado?


Among the gold mining sites supporting Hiraizumi Golden Culture, Motoyoshi, Higashiiwai, Kesen, Esashi are the best known. In the Date clan period, "Tamayama, Yukizawa, Imadeyama, Sakamotozawa" were KESEN's four largest gold mines that have supported the domain when the economy was low. Tamayama was the most productive gold mine and gave the local expressions such us "Tama-sengen (the thousand houses of Tama)", or "Sennin-kou" (the thousand miners pit). Some say the gold mine mentioned in the Zipangu chapter of "The million: Travels of Marco Polo" by Marco Polo was actually the Tamayama mine.

金塊発見 A gold nugget found

明治23年(1890年)8月には、世田米村の菅野伊太郎が、気仙川筋の同村字大渡で約88グラムの大金塊を拾ったという記録が残っています。また、昭和 51年(1976年)11月には、住田町世田米大渡橋で気仙川をまたぐ橋(現在の垣ノ袖橋)の工事現場から大砂金塊が発見されました。重量22.4グラム、長さ3.5センチ、幅1〜1.5センチ、厚さ0.5〜0.7センチの砂金塊で、東北最大。

Records shows that in the 23d year of the Meiji era (1890 A.D.), Sugano Itarou of Aza Owatari, Kesen Kawasuji, kesen village found a nugget of 88 grams. In the year 51 of Showa era (1976 A.D.), large nuggets were found from the construction site of the current Kakinosode bridge over the Kesen river, in Ootobashi, Setamai, Sumita town. The nuget had 22.4 grams, 3.5 cm in klength and 1 to 1.5 cm in width, with a 0.5 to 0.7 cm thickness. It is the largest found in Tohoku region.
*A photograph of he nugget is shown in the top page.

郷土芸能 Folk Performing Arts


KESEN is an area rich in folk arts such as Shishi-odori (lion dance) and Kenbai, Tora-mai, Gongen-mai, Shichifukujin, Taue-odori (rice planting dance) and Taiko (drums). According to a certain view, each and every administrative district has a fork art that has been passed through generations.

  • 五葉山 Goyouzan


    The sacred mountain Goyouzan (1,351m in alt.) is the highest mountain of the Sanriku shores. Peaking over Sumita town, Ofunato city and Kamaishi city, it is the centre of worship of the area. The mountain shrine Goyouzan-jinja (Goyou-gongen) is ocated near the top, while many Satomiya (village shrines) encircles the foot of the mountain.

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  • 気仙三十三観音巡り Kesen Sanju-san Kannon Pilgrimage


    Selected 33 temples for the Kannon Reijou (Bodhisattva of Compassion's sacred site) in an erea encompassing three cities and one town. The firstmof the 33 sites is the Senzou-ji in Kesen district, until the thirty-third and last Joudo-ji: in terms of today's administrative districts, 6 sites are located in Ofunato city, 21 in Rokuzen Takata city, and 6 in Sumita town.

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