Kesen-cho Kenka Tanabata Matsuri(Kesen-machi Fighting Tanabata Festival)

Kesen-machi Kenka Tanabata Matsuri(Kenka Tanabata Festival of Kesen-machi)

A dynamic Moving Tanabata where floats crush each other.

  • Season Event

  • Aza Machi, Kesen-cho, Rikuzen Takata city, Iwate prefecture

About the Kesen-machi Kenka Tanabata Matsuri

Kesen-machi Kenka Tanabata is a traditional festival of Aza Machi, Kesen-cho, Rikuzen Takata city. It is said it has its origin in Youkaichi od Imaizumi and Aramachi during the Kan-ei era (1624-43). "Moving Tanabata", or a Tanabata involving mobile floats, is unique in Japan. The festival is also famous for its strange custom of floats clashing each other, where the name of "Kenka (fighting)" Tanabata comes from. the origin of the majestic taiko drums remains unknown, yet some says its technique derives from a pre-medieval ancient military arts' war drumming pattern. The festival was designated as an intangible cultural property of the city.

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